Thursday, July 18, 2013

Standing Still

And, just like that….I feel better.

It’s the little things, really.  I did exactly what I’ve told my students to do for years:  I got more sleep, I made myself busy, I got outside, I took care of my basic needs.  It helps to be staying in one place for more than a few days; I’m not worried about driving directions or filling the tank or packing up all my stuff again.  I can relax a bit.  I can even reflect on my experiences in calm surroundings.

So I started in the afternoon with rearranging my stuff, something that always grounds me.  I threw away some junk I’d accrued along the way and reorganized my space in the bedroom where I stay when I’m here.  I counted my Euros and tried to calculate how much I would spend before leaving.  I cleaned the bathroom and threw some laundry in the machine, and later hung it to dry (there’s no dryer here). 

The next morning Gaël and I washed the car—my trusty companion all these weeks—and I vacuumed her from tip to tail.  The sun was hot, and felt good.  It’s in the 90s, but very low humidity here, so once in the shade you can cool down quickly; it’s indeed a treat compared to the humidity I know I’ll return to. 
See how clean?
I then gave myself a mini-pedicure, took a long shower, responded to some emails.  After lunch Ginette, Gaël and I went shopping in a nearby town, La Ferté-Bernard, for shoes for Gaël; we ended up instead with jeans and a jacket he adores.  (he loves it so much, he’s been wearing it around the house in the 90-degree heat).  Afterwards we visited Mémé Suzon, Patrice’s grandmother, who’s 95 and still going strong despite some health setbacks.  She didn’t answer the door at first because she was out back giving the neighbor’s sheep some water on the hot day.  We chatted with her until the aide came to prepare her dinner and give her medication. 
 On the way back we stopped at a bakery just before closing time and picked up fresh bread and a pain au chocolat  (chocolate croissant) for Gaël and me.  Dinner was back at Marolles on the terrace in the lovely evening breeze, a “simple” meal of pork pâté, fresh cucumbers and red peppers, mashed potatoes and small sausages, green salad, and cherries for dessert.  Don’t worry, the portions are small…

Gaël and his great-grandmother

Today we’ll do some preparation for Amy’s family’s visit; they arrive tomorrow afternoon.  I am so happy I get a chance to see them again before returning to the U.S.  Amy and I never know after these big trips how long it will be until we see each other again—sometimes it’s been a few years between—so we value the time together.  (Thank goodness for Skype!)  We know, however, that no matter how long it’s been, we’ll pick up where we left off last time; such is true friendship.

And then….soon enough will be the mad rush to pack, clean a bit, buy last-minute chocolate, dig out the passport and the dollars, and then bemoan the fact that even seven weeks goes by in a flash….


  1. Glad you're feeling better and I love seeing Gael in that shirt - it was one of my favorites!

  2. Plus... cute picture of Suzon!

  3. He LOVES the shirt, won't take it off!
