Saturday, June 8, 2013

Breakfast in France

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Important or not, it certainly is my favorite meal.  Yes, that’s right, more than foie gras or rôti de porc (roast pork) or tarte aux pommes (apple tart) or fromage au lait cru (raw milk cheese), I love the simple bread, butter, jam and coffee with milk that comes after a long journey and a good sleep; I add an egg for some protein.  Yesterday was a blur of flights, schlepping luggage, waiting areas, trains, waiting in line, sleeping sitting up, and unfamiliar restrooms.  Last night I managed to stay awake until the sun went down (at 11:00 p.m.) and slept like a baby until the sun was well up in the sky (at 7:00 a.m.)  The French sleep with shutters closed, but I don’t like waking up in complete darkness, so I keep mine open.  I showered and dressed, then helped my mother-in-law make coffee and set the table with bowls for coffee, knives and spoons, butter, yogurt, her homemade jam, and the bowl full of pieces of bread and sliced brioche.  The smells and sounds of breakfast, combined with the sun breaking over a fresh day, make me happy.  And jam.  Jam makes me really happy.

a huge pot of raspberry jam all to myself

My son is still asleep after 13 hours of repose.  He’s completely missed breakfast.  Maybe he’ll wake up in time for lunch. Oh, well, more jam for me....


  1. Yay Jam! Jam and bread sounds like a winner of a breakfast to me.

  2. Yay Jam! Jam and bread sounds like a winner of a breakfast to me.
